Gives the Hero an 18% chance to get an extra turn right after his turn. Although the effect is highly dependent on luck, this is an extremely powerful set of artifacts that is suitable for almost any character. If you have a Support Champion – such as a bafer or debafer-you usually want them to cycle through their moves and use their skills as often as possible. No other set gives them such an advantage. Combine it with skills that also give extra moves and the effect becomes even more powerful, allowing the wearer to walk multiple times and potentially heal their entire team or even kill enemies. There are countless ways to use and combine this set with other skills and effects, such as those that reduce skill cooldown, which rightly makes it one of the most widely used artifact sets. When an extra move occurs, the chance of getting consecutive extra moves each time drops by 45%, namely: 18% -> 9,9% -> 5,5% etc. That is, in a good scenario, you can get 3-5 extra points. blows. How do I get the Ferocity artifact ? At the end of 2020, the Ferocity artifact can only be obtained by taking top places in Tournaments and special events in the game RAID: Shadow Legends

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