Description of the Giant's Storm talent
With a 30% chance of dealing additional damage when attacking. The amount of additional damage is equal to 7.5% of the maximum health of a normal target or 3% of the maximum health of the boss. Additional damage can be dealt with each hit, but it does not count as a separate hit.
Damage depends on [MAX. ZDR enemy]
Description of the talent of Military Affairs Master
With a 60% chance of dealing additional damage when attacking. The amount of additional damage is equal to 10% of the maximum health of the normal target or 4% of the maximum health of the boss. Additional damage can only be dealt once for each skill, and it does not count as a separate hit.
Damage depends on [MAX. ZDR enemy]
Talents vs Bosses
These are the top two talents, each increasing damage by 1,000,000 damage in at least 20 moves.
Which one to choose? If A1 - 1-2 strikes-take the VDM. If 3-4 strikes from A1 - take the Thunderstorm of Giants.
Example-Kael should take VDM, Healer Storm of Giants.
Table of chances of procs
Number of hits Chance of getting a prok Chance of not getting a prok
1 30% 70%
2 51% 49%
3 65.7% 34.3%
4 75.99% 24.01%