- 0
- Accuracy:0
- Health:22965
- Attack:782
- Protection:1266
- Speed:100
- Critical Chance:15 %
- Critical Damage:50 %
- Resistance:90
- Fraction:Dwarves
- Rare:Legendary
- Role:Support
- Aura:Resistance
- Element:Magic
- Multiplier A1:6.5
- Multiplier A2:6.6
- Union:Niresi Union
- Buffs:Penalty Block,ATK Bonus,Shield
- Debuffs:Burning out
- Skills:Removes penalties,Removes bonuses from the enemy,Heals allies
Crystal Whip
Attack on the enemy. With a probability of 45% (60%), it applies a Health Burn on 2 moves.
Damage depends on [ATK] = 6.5 × [ATK]
Level 2-Damage +5%
Level 3-Damage +5%
Level 4-Penalty chance: 5%
Level 5 – Penalty Chance: 5%
Level 6-Penalty chance: 5%
Grave Call
Grave Call
Attack on all enemies. With a probability of 75% (100%), it removes one random bonus from each enemy.
With a probability of 75% (100%), it removes one random penalty from each ally. Increases the strength of the team's Shield by 30% of the damage dealt.
Damage depends on [ATK] = 6.6 × [ATK]
Cooldown Of Moves: 4
Level 2-Damage +10%
Level 3-Chance: 5%
Level 4-Chance: 10%
Level 5-Chance: 10%
Level 6-Cooldown -1
Eternal Sunshine
Eternal Sunshine
Imposes a Penalty Block on the entire team and a 50% Attack Bonus for 2 turns.
Puts a Shield on the team with the power of 30% of its maximum health for 2 turns.
The shield cannot be removed.
Cooldown Of Moves: 5
Level 2-Cooldown -1
Level 3-Cooldown -1
Redoubt (passive)
Redoubt (passive)
When an ally with a Shield is attacked, it reflects 25% of the damage absorbed by the Shield back to the attacking enemy. Also heals this ally for 25% of the damage absorbed by the Shield.
If there are several heroes in the team with this skill, it only works for one hero.
The aura of Resistance in the Fatal Tower at 90
The aura of Resistance in the Fatal Tower at 90
Increases the resistance of the allies in the Doom Tower by 90.
Brogni's Minion
Brogni's Minion is a legendary hero supporting the blue Element Magic in the game Raid Shadow Legends from the "Nyresian Alliance “of the "Dwarf" faction. It has excellent innate resistance and good innate speed. Puts a bunch of power-ups and burnouts on enemies.
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