- 0
- Health:12225
- Attack:1123
- Protection:815
- Speed:92
- Critical Chance:15 %
- Critical Damage:50 %
- Resistance:30
- Fraction:Dark Elves
- Rare:Unusual
- Role:Attack
- Aura:Without Aura
- Element:Power
- Multiplier A1:4
- Multiplier A2:8
- Union:The Fallen
- Buffs:Attack Bonus
- Debuffs:Poison
Formula: 4*ATK
Attack on the enemy. On a critical hit, it imposes a 25% Attack Bonus on itself for 1 turn.
Skill Levels
1 - Damage 5 %
2 - 5 % Damage
3 - 5 % Damage
4 - 10 damage %
Attack Bonus 25%
The Elven Sword
Formula: 8*ATK
Attack on the enemy. With a 50% probability, it puts 2.5% Poison on 2 moves.
Skill Cooldown: 4
Skill Levels
1 - Damage 5 %
2 - Damage 5 %
3 - Chance of buff/debuff 10 %
4 - Buff/debuff chance 5 %
5 - Skill Cooldown -1
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