- 0
- Health:21480
- Attack:859
- Protection:1288
- Speed:114
- Critical Chance:15 %
- Critical Damage:50 %
- Resistance:40
- Fraction:Undead Hordes
- Rare:Legendary
- Role:Support
- Aura:Resistance
- Element:Void
- Multiplier A1:5
- Union:The Fallen
- Buffs:Penalty Block,Protection Bonus,ATK Bonus,Critical Chance Bonus,Speed Bonus
- Debuffs:Sleep
- Skills:Resurrects allies,Removes fines,Heals allies
The Curse of Thirst
Attack on the enemy. If the target's turn scale is 50% or greater, it has an 80% chance of putting the target to Sleep for 1 turn. This penalty cannot be reflected. If the target's progress bar is less than 50%, heals all team members at 5% of their maximum health.
Damage depends on [ATK] = 5 × [ATK]
Level 2 Sleep chance: +5%
Level 3 Sleep chance: +5%
Level 4 Sleep chance: +5%
Level 5 Sleep chance: +5%
A stormy romance
Imposes a Penalty Block on the team for 2 moves and fills the team's progress scale by 10%. Then he applies a 60% Defense Bonus and a 30% Speed Bonus for 2 turns.
Moves: 6
Level 2 Cooldown -1
Level 3 Cooldown -1
Love beyond death
Resuscitates an ally with 55% health and full turn scale. Puts a 50% Attack Bonus and a Crit Bonus on it. 30% chance for 2 moves.
Moves: 6
Level 2 Cooldown -1
Level 3 Cooldown -1
Eternal Bond (passive)
Heals all allies at 10% of their maximum health at the start of their turn. Also, at the beginning of their turn, with a 40% probability, it removes the Freeze and Fear from them. If the team has a Confused Rotos, removes all penalties from him at the beginning of his turn.
Level 2 Bonus chance: +5%
Level 3 Bonus chance: +5%
The aura of resistance in all battles is at 80
Increases the resistance of allies in all battles by 80.units
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